
Local Groups:

Open Door Pride – Door County’s own pride event and support for LGBT citizens and visitors of Door County.

Northern Door Pride – Inclusion.  Embracing One Another.  Celebrating Diversity.  Helping those in Need.  Celebrating Pride.  Creating a Safe Space.  Hosting Amazing Events.  Having a Kick Ass Pride Event.  Being Proud of Who We Are.

NEW Pride Alive – Green Bay’s annual pride event.

BATYAThe Bay Area Trans Youth Alliance or BATYA was organized in 2021 in response to concerns raised by parents of trans youth, local trans experienced counselors and public-school leaders. In February of 2022, BATYA partnered with Dave & Busters to offer a monthly Drop In opportunity for trans youth grades 7-12. To date over 100 trans youth from the greater Green Bay area have attended at least one of the monthly Drop In sessions.

NAMI Wisconsin – NAMI Wisconsin is an organization of families, friends and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness.

Health and Safety:

PFLAG National’s List of Hotlines – The hotlines listed here provide services to callers across the country.

The Trevor Project – The Trevor Project provides phone, instant messaging, and text services for LGBTQ individuals to communicate with a trained specialist; an online social networking space for youth and their friends and allies in the LGBTQ community; and an online resource center.

Trans Resources – a new directory for CD/TG trans – primarily girls that put together to help especially those who are in the early stages of exploring their gender identity and may be looking for supportive people and places. There is a social/support group for CD/TG people that has been meeting for the past three years in a safe private place in the GB area.

We All Rise – The vision of We All Rise is to create and help restore a vibrant African American community. Through uplifting, skill building, and intentionally targeting root causes of systemic oppression, we actively promote the healing of all.

Live Another Day – Live Another Day believes in equal access to life-saving mental health and substance use resources. This website provides extensive information on the best resources available.

Detox Local – An excellent resource that features abundant information including mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.

Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Child

LGBTQ+ and Addiction

Signs of Addiction


CCBC Book List – This bibliography was designed to provide librarians, teachers, parents and others with suggested books for children and teens that provide information about or reflect the lives of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning (GLBTQ) youth and gay- or lesbian-parented families.

Podcasts: – A volunteer-produced, multi-award-winning, internationally-syndicated weekly half-hour “magazine style” LGBTQ community radio program based in Los Angeles.


“Strong Island”: Trans Filmmaker Yance Ford Searches for Justice After His Brother’s Racist Murder

Lee Mokobe: A Powerful Poem About What It Feels Like to be Transgender

Ivan Coyote: Why We Need Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols: This Is What LGBT Life Is Like Around The World

Kristie Overstreet, PHD: Why Are Many Doctors Scared of Transgender Patients?


GSAFE – GSAFE creates just schools for LGBTQ+ youth in Wisconsin.

GLSEN – Creating safe and affirming schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Youth for Human Rights – Teaching youth about human rights, specifically the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and inspire them to become advocates for tolerance and peace.

Gender Unicorn – Trans Student Educational Resources produced Gender Unicorn to educate people on gender

Family Resources:

Our Family Coalition – Our Family Coalition advances equity* for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) families with children through support, education, and advocacy.

COLAGE – COLAGE unites people with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer parents into a network of peers and supports them as they nurture and empower each other to be skilled, self-confident, and just leaders in our collective communities.

Family Equality Council – Family Equality Council is changing attitudes and policies to ensure all families are respected, loved, and celebrated — especially those with parents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer.

National/International Resources:

PFLAG National  – Uniting people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) with families, friends, and allies, PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education, and advocacy.

Human Rights Campaign – HRC advocates for LGBTQ equality and educates the public about LGBTQ issues.

GLAAD – GLAAD rewrites the script for LGBTQ acceptance. As a dynamic media force, GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change.

FORGE – FORGE is a national transgender anti-violence organization.

IHRA – Intersex Human Rights Australia is an independent support, education, and policy development organization, by and for people with intersex variations or traits. Our work focuses on human rights, bodily autonomy and self-determination, and on evidence-based, patient-directed health care.

National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs – The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs — which works to end all forms of violence against and within LGBTQ communities — provides reports, toolkits, training, and more to prevent and respond to hate violence against LGBTQ individuals, families, and communities.

National Center for Transgender Equality – The National Center for Transgender Equality advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. In the nation’s capital and throughout the country, NCTE works to replace disrespect, discrimination, and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice.

Legal Resources:

National LGBTQ Task Force – The National LGBTQ Task Force advances full freedom, justice, and equality for LGBTQ people.

Lambda Legal – Committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.

Transgender Law Center – Transgender Law Center works to change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.

National Center for Lesbian Rights – Achieving LGBTQ Equality Through Litigation, Legislation, Policy, and Public Education.

ACLU – LGBT Rights Project – The ACLU works to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people can live openly without discrimination and enjoy equal rights, personal autonomy, and freedom of expression and association.